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5 easy steps to develop and deploy your Cerner app


The healthcare industry is in a continuous loop to create and deploy effective care solutions to the public. Cerner has a strong presence in the healthcare industry. Thus, developing and deploying an app in the Cerner app store is an excellent opportunity to impact patient care positively and increase its reach.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through developing and deploying an app in the Cerner app store, from setting up the development environment to submitting your app for review.

What is Cerner?

Cerner is a leading American supplier of HIT services, devices, and hardware. Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, Cerner was founded in 1979 by Neal Patterson. Since 2022, the Oracle Corporation has owned Cerner.

Building an app in the Cerner app store

Many apps that can enhance patient care and streamline healthcare providers’ workflows are available in the Cerner app store. You must adhere to a particular procedure to publish an app in the Cerner app store, which entails setting up the environment for development before constructing, testing, and submitting the app for review. Cerner’s stringent screening procedure guarantees that all applications adhere to the highest security and quality standards.

Step 1: Setting up the Development Environment

  • The initial step to developing an app for Cerner is to create a developer account on the Cerner Development network (CDN) portal.
  • Next comes installing the Cerner SDK – tools, libraries, and documentation – to build and integrate the app.
  • You can now create the app in whichever environment you like. Just that it adheres to Cerner SDK requirements should be considered a prerequisite. Additional software or tools, such as a database management system or code editor, may be necessary.

Step 2: Building the App

  • Planning the app, including defining the problem statement and its goal is the first step before you can begin constructing it. The app’s features, user flows, and data structures should all be carefully planned.
  • The app’s user interface, layout, colors, typography, and graphics must follow the Cerner store’s design requirements.
  • Create the code and integrate the app using the Cerner SDK’APIs and libraries. You can also use third-party libraries and tools to develop the app.

Step 3: Testing the App

Testing the app is the next logical step after building it. To identify any defects in the written code, you can employ automated testing frameworks and techniques. Similarly, you can evaluate the app’s response time and memory usage by simulating various scenarios and using performance testing tools.

Step 4: Deploying the App

  • Package the app into a format that can be submitted to the Cerner app store. This may involve compiling the code, creating an installer, and creating a digital certificate.
  • Submit the app to the Cerner app store for review. Cerner has a rigorous review process to ensure that all apps meet the app store’s standards for quality and security.
  • Once accepted, you can start deploying it in production. You may need to make updates and bug fixes based on user feedback. Cerner provides a dashboard for developers to track the app’s usage, downloads, and ratings. You can also use this dashboard to receive user feedback and update the app.

Step 5: Maintaining the App

  • Regularly monitor it to ensure it functions correctly and performs optimally. This may involve tracking error logs, reviewing user feedback, and analyzing usage data.
  • Update the app based on user feedback to enhance its usability, performance, and functionality. This could entail removing problems, introducing new functionality, and enhancing the user interface.
  • It might be necessary to re-submit the app for evaluation if you make significant modifications to it. There is a procedure in place at Cerner for updating apps currently available in the app store, and the review procedure will be comparable to the submission procedure.


Given the stringent approval processes, developing and installing an app for the Cerner app store might be challenging. Nonetheless, it offers a practical opportunity for parties in the healthcare industry to enhance patient care. This article demonstrates how to produce and disseminate a top-notch app that complies with the Cerner app store’s standards. So, anyone with the right skills, resources, and help may create an application that enhances patient care quality. For a step-by-step tutorial, refer to CERNER’s official tutorial: https://engineering.cerner.com/smart-on-fhir-tutorial/

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