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How to host a SMART on FHIR app from a GitHub repository using GitHub Pages

Digitization has accelerated the shift from traditional to digital in almost all fields of business, including healthcare. With the digitization of healthcare data, patients expect easy access to their health information and medical records (EHRs). To cater to this demand, there are various platforms to create computerized patient records to be used by healthcare institutions. EPIC is one such platform to create and deploy a patient-facing app.
With EHRs came the need for accessibility across all domains, from computer systems to software. This is simply interoperability, as we understand it.
Interoperability in healthcare refers to an integrated ecosystem of viewing all patient information by their healthcare providers through one common platform, which means better care coordination, higher performance, and better quality of care delivered.

MarketsandMarkets reports estimate that the global market for healthcare interoperability solutions was worth $2.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 13.9% to reach $5.7 billion by 2026. Hence, now is the perfect time to invest your time and resources into this industry for guaranteed success. 

Whenever sensitive patient data comes into play, security becomes a priority. Both FHIR and SMART are standards – the first standardizes data, while the second standardizes data access respectively. Major EHR vendors, government regulatory agencies, technology firms, payers, and providers have all embraced SMART on FHIR.

Once your product is ready, deployment comes into the plan, meaning distribution to a wider audience – a proper hosting solution – something quick, simple, and cost-free. One such trustworthy hosting service is GitHub, which lets you publish your SMART on FHIR application online without needing a separate server or hosting service.

This blog is an easy-to-follow step-by-step manual of the complete complex process of hosting your SMART on FHIR application on GitHub.

Step 1: Create a new GitHub repository

The first step is to start a brand-new GitHub repository. The files required to host your Smart FHIR app on GitHub Pages are also in this repository, along with the app’s source code.
establish a new repository

Step 2: Clone the repository

To clone the repository to your local system, use Git or a Git GUI tool like GitKraken or Sourcetree. On your PC, this will produce a local copy of your repository, which you can edit and push changes.
steps to clone repository

Step 3: Set up GitHub Pages

You can host static websites straight from a GitHub repository using GitHub Pages.

enable github pages

Step 4: Access your hosted app

You can access your app with the URL provided in the “GitHub Pages” section. The format of this URL will be: “username.github.io/repositoryname.” For instance, if your GitHub username is “John Doe” and your repository is called “My App.” Your URL would be “johndoe.github.io/myapp.”

Step 5: Configure your app

This step ensures your Smart FHIR app is compatible with GitHub Pages. To configure your app, you need to edit various files, depending on the architecture and framework of your project. For instance, if your app was created using React, a “homepage” field pointing to your GitHub Pages URL must be added to the “package.json” file. An illustration of a probable “package.json” file is shown below:
configuring app

Note: It is recommended to test your app locally to ensure proper functionality, before publishing any updates to your GitHub repository.

Step 6: Test your app

Testing your app before making it public to ensure it functions properly when hosted on GitHub Pages, decreases the chances of faulty bugs. You may test it by visiting the GitHub Pages URL in a web browser and making sure your app performs as you would expect it to. To guarantee that your app functions properly for all users, test it across various browsers and platforms.

Step 7: Publish your app

After testing your program to ensure it runs properly, you can upload it to the FHIR app store or any marketplace you choose. Include the GitHub Pages URL in the application documentation to make it easy for users to find and utilize your app.

Hosting your project on GitHub Pages does have some restrictions. Since GitHub Pages is designed exclusively for static websites, you must look into other hosting options if your app requires a backend server or database. Moreover, GitHub Pages have storage and bandwidth limits, so if your app takes off, you should migrate to a more dependable hosting solution.

In conclusion, a quick and effective way to expand your software’s user base is to host a Smart FHIR app on GitHub Pages directly from a GitHub repository. It’s a great option for developers that wish to avoid setting up and managing their hosting infrastructure. Using the methods in this manual, you can quickly and easily set up your program for hosting and start making it available to users worldwide.

how to guide
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