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        • Data lifecycle management for seamless source-to-destination data movement, next-gen analytics and AI integration.

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        • Data lifecycle management for seamless source-to-destination data movement, next-gen analytics and AI integration.

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          Enterprise-grade LLM

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Building a secure platform to help doctors fight the Covid19 pandemic






Increase in doctor engagement

Demand for a unified platform was sparked by a dire situation

The COVID-19 pandemic was chaotic, for people were faced with a new killer virus that was rapidly evolving. The general public and the medical community were perplexed by the condition, its diagnosis, appropriate treatments, and best practices.

With time the pandemic became a learning block for the medical fraternity. However, proper documentation or medical forum dedicated to sharing knowledge on the novel virus was absent. To meet this demand, a common platform devoted to discussing Covid-19 for doctors across India was of utmost necessity.

We were approached by a major IT corporation to build an integrated tool that would help doctors carry out a comprehensive study of the disease. It would house modules such as an easy-to-search repository, one-on-one discussion panels with verified physicians, and real-time information sharing with numerous medical professionals worldwide.


Rapid Prototyping, MVP, Custom Application Development


Strapi Headless CMS, Nodejs, React.js, PostgreSQL



Difficulties encountered

In the early days after the discovery of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), there were a lot of blanks regarding information regarding the disease, its impact, and the possible approaches to the treatment of the virus. 


With no supervision, online broad public forums were filled with false information and incomplete expertise by non-specialists. Thus, medical practitioners had a hard time locating secure or reliable sources. 


  • The client wanted to create a secure P2P platform, enabling doctors to share knowledge and gain insights from one another’s management of COVID-19. However, creating a P2P platform meant expansive data security measures. Also, a platform meant explicitly for one-on-one medical talks was challenging when it came to maintaining queues. 


  • The amount of false news circulating online meant that doctors found locating reliable and pertinent information challenging. We needed to create a reliable repository of medical data integrated from multiple sources recognized within the community.


  • Moreover, existing open forums were not designed to help medical personnel discover and discuss particular medical issues, and it took time to find the right people and topics to offer helpful information.

TechVariable came up with an innovative solution to address the problem at hand

TechVariable built a website and progressive web app (PWA) from the ground up. The platform was built on Strapi Headless CMS and highly customized as per the requirement. The user experience was hand-crafted with input from a panel of doctors. Thus, it was an integrated tool for doctors to talk to their peers — a specialized and secure platform that made doctors feel instantly at home.

We integrated an easy-to-search repository of COVID-19-related information integrated with a few trusted and reliable sources well-known in the medical fraternity. This made it easy for doctors to reference and find information- when and where needed.

A one-on-one discussion forum was created with verified doctors. Additionally, we integrated a system for sharing information in real-time with a large number of medical professionals across the world. This kept the network of information active and recent developments could easily be shared amongst the community.

How we strategized the project handling approach?
TechVariable’s team of experts incorporated the lean management strategy of agile methodology. To maintain the requirements of the modules, the project was broken up into sprints, the completion of which was accompanied by feedback sessions and retrospective meetings. Our agile team kept the members’ morale boosted to ensure high productivity leading to customer satisfaction.

Modules implemented

Full-featured Forum

This module made it easier for medical discussions to categorize and tag new discussions with correct medical terminologies, making it easier for others to discover the relevant details.

User Management

This module verified doctors based on their medical certificates, to ensure that only doctors qualified on the subject could participate in discussions. This maintained the authenticity of the shared information.

Video Calls

Zoom was integrated into the platform for scheduling and launching video calls directly from the website or web app was made possible.

Live Chats

The module implementing live chats and a community wall for one-on-one or group chats was incorporated into the project.

Learning Management

The learning management module allowed doctors to quickly create courses and assessments on specific subjects thereby a hub of knowledge was being circulated.

High Level Design Architecture

Need to estimate for your next project?

We at TechVariable do acknowledge that one size will not fit all. Hence, we work in collaboration with you to identify, analyze & then develop a solution that fulfills your needs. Either we will define the functional scope of your project to estimate the timeline and budget or you can create your own agile team from among our resources.
estimate project

Sustained results

The platform became a vital and extensively used resource used by over 25,000 doctors during the Covid19 pandemic. Over 1500 articles, videos, and podcasts were uploaded in the first 6 months, which generated discussion among 25000 doctors resulting in generating 10000 engaging comments.

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